Lafayette Public Library
Robideaux’s ‘mission accomplished’ optimism obscures a troubling reality
The mayor-president believes Lafayette is in its best financial position ever. His optimism overlooks flatlining property tax revenue.
When dedicated taxes lock up options
Voters demand flexibility and quick responses, but representatives are hamstrung in their ability to divert dedicated funds.
Drag Queen Story Time (sort of) happened with no flare up
Drag Queen Story Time suit officially dismissed
Letter: A public apology is in order
Anyone with personal knowledge of the workings of the library knows the people who volunteer to serve on the board of control always act solely in the best interest of the library system and the public.
Robideaux’s library accusations are not grounded in fact
The mayor-president has accused the library system of defrauding taxpayers to the tune of $21 million dollars. Unfortunately for his credibility, the facts don’t back up his claims.
‘Ghost millage’ spooks council into deferring library rededication
The gist: The mayor-president claimed Tuesday night to have discovered unknown library money — a “ghost millage,” so to speak — and spooked the council into punting on calling an election to shift $18 million from the Lafayette Public Library’s controversial fund balance.