Support The Current

Support your Big Town

The Current is here to tell Lafayette’s story.

Events like Big Towns, Undercurrent Awards and Listen Up! connect our community with ideas that can help Lafayette thrive and put our experience in perspective.

This is what local journalism is all about. And it only happens with your support.

Our goal for May 2024 is to raise $15,000 to support our growing team of reporters and programs that connect Lafayette to the nation and the world.

Are you an existing donor? Sign In


You’re nonprofit? Why?

We think the best journalism is done for public service, not for profit. More important, this approach creates community ownership. You can read more about why we went nonprofit here.

How are you funded?

Hundreds of members, a handful of major donors and some advertising. You can see a list of our major donors ($1,000+) here.

Is The Current a 501(c)(3)?


Are donations to The Current tax deductible?

Yes, to the extent allowed by law.

Can I send a check instead?

Yes. Contact [email protected] to arrange a check payment.

Can my business sponsor The Current?

Yes, please! Contact Christiaan directly at [email protected] to discuss corporate membership and other ways you can support our work.