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How to Vote in the 2020 Louisiana Election

Find Your Ballot

View your sample ballot on the Louisiana Secretary of State Voter Portal.

Cast Your Vote

Election Day

Find your polling location on the Louisiana Secretary of State Voter Portal.

Election day is Dec. 5.

Early Voting

Visit one of Lafayette Parish’s early voting locations between Nov. 20 – 28.

Downtown Lafayette
Lafayette Parish Government Building
1010 Lafayette Street, Suite 313

Upper Lafayette
Martin Luther King Jr. Recreational Center
309 Cora Street

East Regional Library
215 La Neuville Road

Absentee Voting

Request your absentee ballot by Dec. 1. Request online here.

Ballots must be returned by Dec. 4. You can deliver them by mail, by fax or by hand. Find more info on absentee voting and returning ballots here.

You can print and mail applications, too. Choose from the applications below:


 When will I know my mail-in vote is counted?

Answer: Election officials will begin counting mail-in ballots on Election Day, as required by Louisiana law. And election officials don’t expect the historic volume to delay the count past Election Day. Election workers have begun preparing and organizing the mail-in ballots for the count, a normal part of the mail-in voting process. They use a scanner to count the mail-in ballots. 

My ballot says “pending.” How can I be sure that my ballot will be counted? 

Answer: If there’s a problem with your ballot, the Registrar of Voters will contact you by mail or by phone to give you a chance to “cure” it by fixing any potentially disqualifying errors. Most of the time, voters forget to sign the ballot themselves or include a signature from a witness, or detach the security envelope. 

That means your vote won’t be marked “counted” until Election Day. In the meantime, look out for a call or letter from the registrar to ferret out any possible issues with your ballot

Q: I requested an absentee ballot but now I want to vote in person. Can I?

Answer: Yes, you can still show up to vote during early voting or on Election Day. This is a special allowance in Lafayette Parish for this election, according to the Registrar of Voters. If you mail your ballot in and then show up to vote, the in-person vote will count, unless the absentee ballot arrives first.