2023 Election Candidates for Lafayette City Council District 1

Election Guide 2023

2023 Candidate Questionnaire
City Council
District 1


What changes, if any, would you pursue to Lafayette’s Development Code?

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

Changing development codes is a gradual complex process. It requires persistence and collaboration. Simplifying permit process and zoning restrictions can open privatized developments to create viable solutions. Offer incentives, to revitalize undeveloped areas. Mix use buildings can leverage cost between commercial and residential. Rising cost of building supplies, insurances and property taxes as well as land is making it harder to have affordable housing. Hand in hand with affordable housing, is investing in quality education and vocational training programs, to allow individuals to take initiative to advance themselves affording them more opportunities of home ownership.

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

Given the weather condition in the city and state with out looking at all codes it will be difficult to make. Everyone want their homes and business to be protected form all elements of the weather cutting corners will not give them the protection the need.

Elroy Broussard

Would you support using public funds for housing initiatives? Why or why not

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

Fiscal responsibility is a key factor in public funds. It is important of finding a balanced approach that supports both affordable housing while maintaining a sustainable budget. Simplifying loan process will enable future first time home buyers. With open dialogue of all constituents, local government officials and residents, we can work within the community to ensure the benefits of all residents. Local housing authorities offer assistance based on income to many lower income families. Investing in individual job skill learnings is always a positive way to create change.

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

Yes I would love to see funding for housing developments and first home buyers but done in a way that is not fraudulent. Loans and subsidy that are no hidden words that will prevent them from owning their homes after a period of time.

Elroy Broussard

Quality of Life

What role should local government should play in economic development and the job market?

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

Local government can be a significant roll in creating a responsible job market. Infrastructure Access such as roads, public transportation and utilities can attract businesses and create jobs. Reasonable regulations and zoning polices are instrumental to business growth. Investing in job training programs can prepare individuals to feel confident in joining the workforce for job opportunities. Local businesses need to be a focus on support in our community. Ensuring our area more appealing with cultural and recreational amenities that cater to young people. Mix use buildings with walking areas and parks appeal to the younger generation. Local government can market our strengths and opportunities to attract new businesses and investment

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

We have a city that is full of life. We are known for creativity, good food and good time making something out of nothing. It is unfortunate that we are not recognize for our ability to gather wealth to go along we our culture.

Elroy Broussard

Should Lafayette spend public dollars to finance quality of life programs and to what extent?

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

By allowing budgeted quality programs, this can improve health and happiness within a city. Private volunteer organizations such as litter clean up and beautification brings a sense of pride and happiness to a city. When access to parks, performing arts and different cultures, whether privatized or public dollars, this can both attract and retain individuals in our communities.

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

Monies should never be an option when playing a part to improve the quality in our infrastructure, culture, parks or anything that improve the quality of life.

Elroy Broussard


Would you support stricter development standards to limit flood risk related to new construction?

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

Flood risk is a revolving challenge, we need to be proactive in preventing flood damage through constant research of existing polices to encourage responsible developments. Good development policies and proper flood plain studies can help prevent catastrophes. This can reduce the financial burden on local government and taxpayers.

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

One of the problems with flooding is the drainage is not being maintain. They are cluttered with debris from storms in the past, no on is maintaining the flow.

Elroy Broussard

How would you prioritize spending on stormwater management and infrastructure in the future?

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux

Assessments of existing infrastructure, identifying areas with the greatest flood prone zones , aging systems and inadequate drainages. Encourage rain barrels with home owner to reduce stormwater runoff. Prioritizing factors like safety, cost effectiveness and environmental impact. By having open dialogue and accessibility, I will listen to community members, local businesses, and all experts.

Melissa Matthieu-Robichaux
Elroy Broussard

Maintain our flow of water ways clean out our coulees, pickup yard waste keep drains clean and free of all debris. Spend monies wisely on something that works.

Elroy Broussard