Lafayette Utility Systems (LUS)

News + Notes

Said to be ‘deleted’ in a cover-up, former LUS director’s emails were never missing

Walking back an allegation central to the lingering scandal around LUS, Lafayette’s city-parish attorney admitted in the wee hours of Tuesday night’s council meeting that thousands of former LUS Director Terry Huval’s emails were never missing. The purportedly missing emails were a key factor in the Guillory administration’s request for a criminal investigation into LUS.

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News + Notes
Lowell Duhon

Maligned LUS consultant accuses Guillory of playing politics

NewGen Strategies, LUS’s consulting engineer, fired back at Mayor-President Josh Guillory, saying in a July 2 letter obtained by The Current that his decision to publicly lay out a case for firing the longtime consultant was malicious and politically motivated.

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News + Notes

Two key LUS, Fiber employees back on the job as uncertainty lingers

Two familiar faces, Jeff Stewart and Teles Fremin, returned to work this week at LUS and LUS Fiber, respectively, after being cleared of wrongdoing in connection with the Guillory administration’s allegations of a criminal coverup at the entities. Questions remain about the status of any criminal investigation and the agencies’ leadership.

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