Month: June 2017


Finding Magic In Kolkata

Author Shome Dasgupta’s latest collection of short stories hearkens to the slum-world surrealism of Gabriel García Márquez. Kolkata is Dasgupta’s Columbia.

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Fiction: Samosa

The following story appears in Anklet and Other Stories, a collection of short fiction by Lafayette-based author Shome Dasgupta published in 2017.

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News + Notes

Lexington To Lafayette

Lafayette can be the next great American city. But only if we recognize that we can’t build consensus in a vacuum.

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Not Far From The Tree

I told Greg Guirard I wanted my table to rise from the swamp. I wanted creatures to delight my grandchildren. I wanted art.

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Big Oil And The Deep Story

In her nonfiction bestseller, sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild dives into bayou country, where systematic industrial pollution has devastated residents so completely they’ve come to accept environmental blight as an unavoidable fact of life.

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