Month: September 2020

Large piggy bank broken with a piece laying on a person

COLUMN: The parish’s lose-lose proposition to raise taxes

Saying the parish should live within its means is one thing, but actually cutting millions from a threadbare budget is something else entirely. Parish government now faces the unenviable choice of raising taxes or cutting essential services.

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Demanding more transparency, Trayford Pellerin’s family releases independent autopsy challenging details of official story

After police shot 10 bullets into Trayford Pellerin, they handcuffed him, claims the attorney representing Pellerin’s family. Citing an independent autopsy, the attorney challenges the official account of the events leading up Pellerin’s killing and continues to call for authorities to release body cam footage and other documentary evidence that could clarify what happened.

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Trayford Pellerin’s family will meet with Guillory Friday

Mayor-President Josh Guillory, who waited days to express condolences to the family of the 31-year-old Black man killed in a spray of gunfire by Lafayette police officers on Aug. 21, will meet with the family Friday.

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