A: There are efforts to decrease population.
The jail population has been reduced by at least 60 inmates in the past week, because of the efforts of judges, lawyers and the D.A.’s office, all of whom are working together for the early release of prisoners. Some individuals are bonding out, pleading to time served or probated sentences, or having probation/parole hold lifted.
No coronavirus cases at LPCC. Some inmates have tested positive for the flu in the past two weeks, but no one in the jail population has been tested for coronavirus, LPSO says.
No longer booking misdemeanors. In-person interactions limited. All LPCC court hearings are being conducted via video conference, as are religious services.
A thorough cleaning under way. A major disinfecting plan is ongoing at the jail. Mowell says he’s been getting calls from inmates’ family members concerned about the conditions and wants to assure them there are existing protocols for infectious diseases to protect everyone. “The deputies and inmates are exposed to the same risk,” he says.
Temporarily closed to the public:
- All sheriff’s office facilities, with the exception of the tax and civil departments at 1010 Lafayette St. This includes LPCC.
- Fingerprinting and records services.
- LPCC video visitation at 100 Poydras St.; remote video visitation is still available.