What do you think? Louisiana Constitutional Amendment #6 — Raising income limit for property tax freezes

There are seven constitutional amendments on the Nov. 3 ballot. Those items are often overlooked in a general election, all the more so during a hotly contested presidential contest.

All the way up to Election Day, we’ll be asking readers to sound off on the amendments. You can check out our cheat sheet guide to all seven here.

Amendment #6 on the Nov. 3 ballot, would raise the income limit for seniors to qualify for freezes on their assessed property value to $100,000. Supporters say it could help attract Boomers, a generation with disposable income that’s also working late into life. Opponents say the spirit of the tax freeze is to help seniors on limited, fixed incomes and the current limit is more than sufficient to do that.

How do you plan on voting? Tell us below. We’ll publish the survey results in the next edition of The Wire. (Sign up here if you haven’t already!)