Brief: Get caught up on Guillory’s mounting controversies

Josh Guillory at a press conference in August 2022
Former M-P Josh Guillory, his family and ex-members of his administration were implicated in a report suggesting they received free LUS Fiber services. Guillory and his staffers deny the allegations. Photo by Travis Gauthier

The gist: Scrutiny of the mayor-president may be turning into big-time investigations. Here’s a rundown of headlines to catch you up.

Patience can still be a powerful tool for reporters. The Daily Advertiser’s Andrew Capps had the foresight to gather up a list of attorney-turned-M-P Josh Guillory’s existing cases after his election — and the patience to sit on the list for 2.5 years before finding any news value in it. 

33 cases. The Advertiser reported last week that dozens of the mayor-president’s former cases are no longer publicly accessible, in all probability due to expungements. The nature of expungements — permanent removal from court records — makes it difficult to know how many Guillory personally handled. The Current first reported the mayor-president’s expungement work, likely done while in rehab.  

That [Capps] off a month of headlines for the embattled mayor-president, with much of the news centered on his efforts to make more money:

What to watch for: Whether LCG will be left holding the bag (millions of dollars at stake) as a battle brews between the state’s Office of Facility Planning and Control and the Guillory administration over capital outlay funding for its drainage projects. Hint: LCG doesn’t own some of the land where the work was done, as is required by its cooperative endeavor agreement with the state.