How are you centering Black joy this month?

Two women take in Festival International
Lafayette got a shot in the arm with Festival International 2022 and reminder of what it's capable of. Photo by Paul Kieu

Growing up as a black trans man native to Acadiana, I’ve had to come to terms with my deep appreciation for the region coexisting with my disappointment.

A month feels entirely too short to honor the people who were forced to build this country on their backs. Especially in the wake of active, ongoing injustice.

I’ve been involved with activism and advocacy in some capacity for the better part of eight years now, and the wisest thing I’ve learned is this: it’s okay to take a step back from it all. To come back to yourself. In fact, you’ll be better for it.

So, Black folks in Acadiana, I think it’s high time we take a second to honor ourselves. Talk to me, y’all: How are you centering your black joy this month?