Letters from readers on what matters in Lafayette.

Letter: You can help end hunger

Did you know one out of every six people in Louisiana faces hunger?

In Second Harvest Food Bank’s service area, over 400,000 people don’t know where they will get their next meal. Who are these people?

They’re children who leave school on a Friday afternoon unsure if they’ll eat before Monday morning at school breakfast. They’re seniors on fixed incomes facing the impossible choice between buying their life-saving medicine and their food. They’re South Louisiana families who, in addition to facing grocery inflation, are now getting squeezed by higher insurance prices.

During Hunger Action Month this September, you can take action to end hunger.

You can volunteer at one of our four warehouses and plate meals for seniors and children or sort food for our pantry partners. You can donate. Second Harvest can provide three nutritious meals to a family in need for every dollar you donate.

You can advocate for legislation to ensure the upcoming Farm Bill funds our purchases from local growers, which we can distribute to our network of partner pantries. Your actions will help individuals and families in the grips of poverty.

You can help end hunger. 

Join us in our mission to ensure no child, family, or senior in South Louisiana goes to bed hungry. Your time, talent, and resources can transform lives. Volunteer, donate, or advocate today at no-hunger.org