Nominate someone making a difference for Undercurrent Awards 2024

Lafayette is a community of problem solvers. Here at The Current, we call these often unsung heroes, Wavemakers. And we celebrate them at the Undercurrent Awards.

Do you know someone making a difference? Nominate them for an Undercurrent Award. Use the form below to do that. The nomination deadline is Aug. 9 at 11:59 p.m.

For going on four years now, we have recognized five people or groups who deserve recognition but don’t necessarily get it. We throw them a big party and spend the evening telling them how special they are — because they deserve it.

This year’s event is scheduled for Nov. 13 at Acadiana Center for the Arts.

Who are we looking for? Wavemakers are people who demonstrate selflessness in their work or service, creativity in problem solving, a passion for Lafayette and a vision for its future. 

They can come from any sector — health, education, business, public service, nonprofits, communities of faith, etc. — and contribute at any scale, big or small. Check out previous winners to get an idea:

How do we pick Wavemakers?

A panel of former honorees will evaluate nominees by impact, with an emphasis on recent contributions and a preference for candidates who have not already received major recognition. 

Nominate a Wavemaker

Use the form below to tell us about the unsung hero in your life. (Self-promoters are welcome.) Send any questions to [email protected].

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