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News + Notes

When the storm comes

Another flood is coming. The timing is uncertain, but the trends that produced the 2016 flood continue unabated.

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News + Notes


What the self-storage boom says about us and the things we won’t let go.

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Finding Magic In Kolkata

Author Shome Dasgupta’s latest collection of short stories hearkens to the slum-world surrealism of Gabriel García Márquez. Kolkata is Dasgupta’s Columbia.

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Fiction: Samosa

The following story appears in Anklet and Other Stories, a collection of short fiction by Lafayette-based author Shome Dasgupta published in 2017.

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News + Notes

Lexington To Lafayette

Lafayette can be the next great American city. But only if we recognize that we can’t build consensus in a vacuum.

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Not Far From The Tree

I told Greg Guirard I wanted my table to rise from the swamp. I wanted creatures to delight my grandchildren. I wanted art.

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