Get Caught Up: Investigation into DA Don Landry’s office in final stretch
Another vendor is expected to plead guilty next week, just as feds notify hundreds of individuals their calls were intercepted in wiretaps.
Another vendor is expected to plead guilty next week, just as feds notify hundreds of individuals their calls were intercepted in wiretaps.
It’s not known who has met with investigators or what specific issues are being probed.
After a troubling financial assessment, where will investigators go next?
It turns out the Guillory administration’s “new pace of government” is predicated on making dubious legal arguments to justify ignoring local, state and federal laws.
The legislative auditor’s office would only confirm that the agency is conducting an investigative audit at LCG.
A seldom-used LPD dignitary protection unit has become M-P Josh Guillory’s full-time security. Council members have asked an audit firm to probe the arrangement.
The City Council’s decision to investigate Guillory isn’t about politics. It’s about holding him accountable.
Despite persistent efforts, the Guillory administration failed to mount a compelling ad hoc criminal case against longtime LUS and LUS Fiber Director Terry Huval, the district attorney concludes in a pair of letters to LCG’s legal department and the mayor-president obtained by The Current through a public records request.
Going on two years without permanent directors and headed for uncertainty, LUS and LUS Fiber could risk their financial health without permanent and steady leadership, the systems’ consulting engineer warns in an annual report issued last month.
Acting on conflict-of-interest and influence peddling allegations first reported by The Acadiana Advocate, Councilman Jay Castille called on the mayor-president to investigate a suspect loan to one of his assistants.
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