Month: March 2020

Virus Update

JBE Thursday update: we’re on Italy’s track

The gist: Gov. John Bel Edwards took a sobering look at Louisiana’s worst-case scenario for infections versus hospital beds and found that Louisiana could see an Italy sized problem in as little as 7-10 days.

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Lourdes, General postponing elective procedures

In an updated notice to all of the state’s health care facilities, the Department of Health said it was “directing and requiring” hospitals to use their judgment in determining which medical procedures can be safely postponed for 30 days.

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Virus Update

JBE Wednesday update: surge is coming

The gist: Gov. John Bel Edwards held his daily COVID-19 news conference to update the state on the viral situation we’re facing. Joined by Jeff Landry, Attorney General for Louisiana and a known political opponent of the governor, and Coach Orgeron of LSU Edwards laid out the ongoing plan for protection in the state.

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Amid new cleaning procedures, LFT still flying

While the Lafayette Regional Airport is taking major cleaning precautions to account for the COVID-19 outbreak, flights are still going in and out of the airport as of Monday, according to the LFT website.

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LPSS serving meals Tuesday, revises distribution sites

The Lafayette Parish School System will prepare and distribute a grab and go breakfast and lunch pick-up for students while schools are closed during due to the coronavirus outbreak. The drive-thru pick up will begin in Tuesday, March 17, from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

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Lafayette’s servers and bartenders face major losses

In an effort to help fight community spread of the coronavirus, Gov. John Bel Edwards ordered the closure of all bars statewide and the closure of all dining rooms in restaurants until April 13. Restaurants can still serve takeout and drive-through (so please do what you can to support our local establishments), but these changes create major challenges to our area’s servers and bartenders.

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