Young Voters: Help us build a candidate questionnaire for Lafayette

Are you a young voter? (Don’t overthink it. You’re as young as you feel.)

Well, young voter, election season is upon us, and The Current is committed to giving you a voice on the campaign trail.

You can read more about how we’re covering Election 2023 here along with some FAQs about our approach.

We need your help. We’re building a candidate questionnaire addressing the issues young voters say matter most to them.

So far, voters we’ve surveyed say housing, quality of life and opportunity, and flooding are top priorities.

Are those issues you care about? Is there something else you’d like to see candidates for City Council, Parish Council and Mayor-President address?

Use the form below to tell us what you think. Your responses will help us develop a questionnaire that we’ll circulate to candidates and use to source questions on the campaign trail.

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